(Don't) Trust Your Gut
CBS Sunday Morning:
Do we base our big decisions on reason and logic, or on our gut? It’s a question underlying the fine print in the newest book by bestselling author Michael Lewis. He’s been talking with our John Blackstone:
Michael Lewis’ latest book, now finished, is going out to reviewers. When Blackstone asked if he worried about reviews, Lewis replied, “You want to just plum my anxieties? Because I’m happy to do this!”
Lewis would seem to have little reason to be anxious. He’s turned books about bond sales, baseball statistics and the housing crisis into bestsellers. But he admits his upcoming book, “The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds” (W.W. Norton), doesn’t immediately sound like a compelling read.
Michael Lewis and “The Undoing Project”: Why gut instincts are often wrong - EXCERPT HERE